Basics of AppleScript

Extracting Information From Record

Script [8.3.1]:

set studentData to {myName:"Nayan Seth", myAge:20}
set studentAge to item 2 of studentData

Explanation: The first line of chapter says that we can retrieve items from record by name and not by index. This is important because the 2nd statement will give an error. As we cannot retrieve items by index.

Figure 8.3.1

Figure 8.3.1 Cannot Retrieve By Index

Script [8.3.2]:

set studentData to {myName:"Nayan Seth", myAge:20}
set studentAge to myAge of studentData

Explanation: Here a record named studentData is created. And variable studentAge retrieves age from studentData.

Figure 8.3.2

Figure 8.3.2 Retrieve Items from Record